Sociological research in Sonora prompts community conversations
Image courtesy of Ixtoc Marlo Rivera Nuñez.
Riparian restoration
Ecological flow

‘Serious game’ on ecological flows and indigenous water rights now available open access
For the last two years, C.Dr. Ixtoc Marlo Rivera-Nuñez of the Centro de
Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (Center for Research in Food and Development; CIAD) has collaborated with ejidos in Irrigation District 038 in Sonora to stiumulate conversation about ecological flows in the Rio Mayo.
C.Dr. Rivera-Nuñez began with a social network analysis to understand the dynamics of water use in the river basin. Results were published open access in the journal Water. The social network analysis was then used to develop a ‘serious game.’
Serious games use the tools of entertaining games – game boards, tokens, and playfully competitive challenges – to prompt reflection and conversation on serious issues. This serious game, Trigo o Rio? (Wheat or Wet?), included an artistic collaboration with Mtro. Mota and Don Erasmo. Over 150 households have been involved in the research, and the game continues to be played in new venues.
All components of C.Dr. Rivera-Nuñez’s game are available in English and Spanish. Others are invited to use the materials, with attribution, free of charge.
To access the game materials and background information, visit C.Dr. Rivera-Nuñez’s public drive or use the QR code below.
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